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Why there’s no better idol than Beckham…

The definition of a role model is ‘a person looked to by others as an example to be imitated.’
But perhaps that should be changed to simply, ‘David Beckham’.

As clichéd as it may sound, it’s not often a man is so well respected by pretty much the entire planet. And the latest gesture from the former England skipper is one that should provide inspiration to everyone in any walk of life.

It’s naïve to perceive Beckham as just a footballer. But, it’s easy to forget that running around for 90 minutes is his primary profession, and despite all the endorsements, ambassador roles and business ventures he’s involved in, he plays football.
And although he’s 37, he still does it pretty well.

But why do you think that is?
Because, there are not many who work as hard as Beckham does, even though arguably he doesn’t even need to.
There lies one of the main reasons to why he is the perfect role model to anybody. Beckham is living proof that by putting more in, you’ll get the rewards your efforts deserve.
And boy has he been rewarded.

Looking at his career, the London born midfielder has played for Manchester United, Real Madrid, AC Milan, L.A Galaxy, plus now Paris Saint Germain.
Oh and Preston.
Many glamorous destinations, that have brought him countless amounts of trophies and accolades. Not to mention the 115 caps he has for his country, leading them at two World Cups.
But despite his good looks, the celebrity lifestyle and all that came with it, it’s fair to say that football has rarely played second fiddle, if ever.

Beckham continued to put the hours in, continued to give his all in every game he played. He’s always recalled tales of being a kid, just desperate to play football. Fast forward over two decades and he’s still the same little boy.

That brings us to the latest act in a long list of stand-out movements from the ultimate trend-setter. Although this is nothing like a mohican.

Upon signing for PSG earlier today, Beckham announced he would not be receiving any of his salary. Instead it will be going to a French children’s charity.
And that speaks volumes for the type of person he really is.

One, he doesn’t need the money. But that’s only because he dedicated the time to become a professional footballer, to stay at the top of his game, and from that, taken any opportunities that have come as a result.

Two, he’s essentially playing for free. A global superstar, doing what he does best for nothing. Well that’s simply because he loves doing it, and appreciates that millions would give anything to walk out on to the many, many stadiums he’s been able to play in.

And three, he could have joined another English team. But he swore he’d never play for another Premier League team aside from United. Loyal, unselfish and hard-working, three traits worthy of any role model.

There will probably never be anyone else quite like David Beckham.
The impact he has had on football, has been colossal. His name is a brand, he’s known worldwide and is linked with some of the biggest names in business.
His face is not only drop-dead gorgeous but one that can be instantly recognised. Not forgetting his work for Team GB, England and the continued efforts for various charities, further highlighted by this latest decision.
In a world of sport where so much is done for personal gain, people abusing their talent for financial well-being and profit, it’s so refreshing to see a man do something in complete opposition.

On and off the pitch, Beckham will always be the best sort of person to idolise.
And it surely won’t be long before her majesty is crowning him, Sir David.
In-fact, a knighthood would be the fitting finale to an incredible career.

Because we all know there wouldn’t be another man more deserving.


James Shipp


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